OUr Mission

Our mission at H2nanO Environmental is to provide cutting-edge environmental consulting services tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Through expert guidance and innovative solutions, we empower industries and communities to understand, manage, and minimize their environmental footprint and impact.



Municipal Planning


Water Quality Management

Oil & Gas

Development & Infrastructure


H2nanO Environmental is located in Edmonton, Alberta and services an array of industries and municipalities across Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.

What We DO

Site Assessments

Biophysical Assessments

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)

Environmental Monitoring

Construction Monitoring

Regulatory Approvals

Remote Sensing & GIS Analysis


Desktop Pre-Assessments

Wetland Identification, Delineation & Classification

Wetland Assessment and Impact Reports (WAIR)

Wetland Assessment and Impact Forms (WAIF)

Alberta Wetland Raped Evaluation Tool (ABWRET)

Wetland Permanency Assessments

Constructed Treatment Wetlands


Wildlife Surveys

Migratory Bird Surveys

Nesting Bird Sweeps

Rare Plant & Vegetaion Surveys

Owl & raptor survey

Amphibian & Reptile Surveys


Denning Mammal Sweep


Sampling and Monitoring

Water Treatment Feasibility Studies

Water Quality Effluent Monitoring

Water Act Approvals

Water Quality Analytics

Specialized Laboratory Organics Analysis

About H2nanO Environmental

H2nanO was born from a vision to leverage nano-technology and passive energy to address intricate water quality challenges. Our journey revealed a profound connection between our core values and environmental stewardship. We've assembled a team of accredited experts dedicated to exploring the integration of nature-based solutions with our innovative passive treatment technology - SolarPass.

Starting with the application of SolarPass in constructed wetland mesocosms to remediate challenging oil and gas affected waters, we witnessed the synergy between nature and scientific innovation. Since then, our focus has expanded beyond water treatment, encompassing a comprehensive approach to environmental monitoring and viability. Today, we offer a diverse range of environmental consulting services, driven by our unwavering commitment to a sustainable future.

Discover how We can make a difference at your site